Silniční přeprava
Kompletní služby v přepravě zásilek
Letecká přeprava
Vaše zásilky do všech koutů světa
Námořní přeprava
Kompletní servis v námořní dopravě
Logistika Skladování
Vaše zásilky přepravíme i uskladníme
Speciální logistika
Přepravíme cokoliv a kamkoliv
Road Transportation

Domestic and International transportation of full truck consignments

Transportation of full truck consignments from/to Czech Republic and within Czech Republic, as well. Transit transportation of full truck consignments through Czech Republic. Transportation of full truck consignments outside Czech Republic, covering whole Europe.

Express transportation of unit consignments

Door to Door transportation in 24 hours up to 1.000 kg for fixed rates within Czech Republic. Door to Door transportation within the whole Europe based on mutual agreement with individual customers.

International transportation of unit consignments as partial transportation

Transportation of unit consigments for reasonable prices, where delivery time is not essential. Consigments are loaded together with others on one truck. Price of such transportation is significantly cheaper than individual transportation of single unit consigment.

Dangerous Goods Transportation – ADR

Transportation of Dangerous Goods where special equipped trucks and special trained drivers are required by ADR legislation. Domestic and International destinations.

Temperature Regulation Transportation (refrigerated trailers)

Transportation of consignments where temperature regulation is required in order to guarantee the quality of transported Goods. Refrigerated trailers are equipped with temperature recording equippment with 7 days recorded memory. Dangerous Goods transportation (ADR) in refrigerated trailers up to 3 tons.

Transportation of loose commodities

We use dump or semi-trailer trucks and we operate not only in the Czech Republic, but also in other countries of the European Union. We provide both export and import.

Over-size/Over-weight Transportation

Transportation of consignments with increased size/weight exceeding limits of local transport legislation. We organize transportation of such consignments, including transport permission in designated countries and security attendance. Customer provides only consignment technical specification (dimensions, weight, layout).

Supplementary Consignment Insurance

Based on customer’s request we can organize additional consignment insurance against damage, lost and/or theft. It mainly concerns the cases when the value of the shipment is higher than the agreement of the CMR Convention dealing with the maximum liability of the carrier that is limited by the amount of 8.33 SDR/1 kg btto of the shipment.
Useful forms
Naše mateřská společnost
bližší info


Jsme dceřiná společnost české spediční společnosti VSSPED s.r.o., která má více jak desetiletou tradici na tuzemské a evropském  trhu. Nabízíme kvalitní a profesionální služby v letecké, námořní i silniční dopravě s celosvětovou působností, ale také služby s tím přímo související jako jsou celně-deklarační služby a kompletní logistické řešení. Kvalitní servis zajišťuje tým zkušených pracovníků, kteří se oboru již dlouhodobě a intenzivně věnují a tím se snažíme zajistit pro naše klienty ten nejefektivnější způsob řešení potřeb přepravy.


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